full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anna Mracek Dietrich: A plane you can drive

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now this also, as good as it is, wasn't quite enough. The regulations for vehicles on the road weren't written with an ailarpne in mind. So we did need a little bit of support from the National Highway tffraic Safety Administration. Now you may have seen in the news recently, they came through with us at the end of last month with a few special exemptions that will allow the Transition to be sold in the same category as SUVs and lhigt trucks. As a multi-purpose pgassneer vehicle, it is now officially "designed for occasional off-road use."

Open Cloze

Now this also, as good as it is, wasn't quite enough. The regulations for vehicles on the road weren't written with an ________ in mind. So we did need a little bit of support from the National Highway _______ Safety Administration. Now you may have seen in the news recently, they came through with us at the end of last month with a few special exemptions that will allow the Transition to be sold in the same category as SUVs and _____ trucks. As a multi-purpose _________ vehicle, it is now officially "designed for occasional off-road use."


  1. traffic
  2. airplane
  3. light
  4. passenger

Original Text

Now this also, as good as it is, wasn't quite enough. The regulations for vehicles on the road weren't written with an airplane in mind. So we did need a little bit of support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Now you may have seen in the news recently, they came through with us at the end of last month with a few special exemptions that will allow the Transition to be sold in the same category as SUVs and light trucks. As a multi-purpose passenger vehicle, it is now officially "designed for occasional off-road use."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
light sport 3
test pilot 3
general aviation 2
sport aircraft 2
baby steps 2
travel time 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
light sport aircraft 2

Important Words

  1. administration
  2. airplane
  3. bit
  4. category
  5. exemptions
  6. good
  7. highway
  8. light
  9. mind
  10. month
  11. national
  12. news
  13. occasional
  14. officially
  15. passenger
  16. regulations
  17. road
  18. safety
  19. sold
  20. special
  21. support
  22. suvs
  23. traffic
  24. transition
  25. trucks
  26. vehicle
  27. vehicles
  28. written